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FSPA Manasota Chapter

Manasota Chapter Counties Include: DeSoto County, Hardee County, Highlands County, Manatee County and Sarasota County

Point of Contact: Sonja Dickey

Email Address: FSPAManasota@FloridaPoolPro.com

Phone Number: (941) 952-9293

Community Involvement

June 24, 2016: World’s Largest Swimming Lesson (WLSL)

On Friday, June 24th, 2016, tens of thousands of kids and adults at aquatic facilities around the world united for the seventh year in a row to make noise that Swimming Lessons Save Lives.™ A global event, The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson™ (WLSL), took place over the course of 24 hours at an estimated 500 locations in more than 20 countries. The Manasota Chapter of the Florida Swimming Pool Association participated in two WLSL locations in Sarasota County; Miracle Swimming for Adults, Inc. and Arlington Pool. Below are a few photos from the Arlington Pool event.

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May 2016: Gocio Elementary School

Members of the Manasota chapter went to Gocio Elementary school in Sarasota County to read the water safety book, Josh the Otter, to the children. They also gave each child a book to take home to their family to get them excited about being safe in the water. Below are some photos.

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December 2015: The chapter adopted a Sarasota family of 4 for Christmas. They provided the family with gifts and a gift card to a grocery store so they could have a nice meal. (Pictured Below from right to left: Matt Russell of Pool Design Concepts, Sonja Dickey, Chuck Coone of SCP,  and John Elsworth of Bluwater Pools)


December 2015: The chapter donated Josh the Otter safety swim books to Sarasota Swim Academy, which practices at the indoor Girls Inc. pool.


April 11, 2015: The chapter Participated in the Family Living Kids Day event at Payne Park in Sarasota. Visit www.SRQKidsDay.com for more information!

MN 4_11_15 Kids Day

May 2015: Kicked off Water Safety Month and Otter Spotter Day with special library readings of Josh the Otter book. The event took place in three locations; Selby Library, Gulf Coast Library and Fruitville Library. Each child who attended received a free Josh the Otter book. This event was followed by free swim lessons at the Sarasota Swim Academy at Arlington Pool. The Manasota Chapter was a sponsor for this event.


September 2015: Matching Swim Grants from the Swimming Pool Education and Safety Foundation (SPSEF) were given in 2015 for swim lessons in our community:

  • Sarasota Swim Academy $675. This grant will help 6 children be safer in and around water. This gift provided 3 months of lessons, which is necessary to make a difference & teach them vital swimming skills. (Pictured Below: Sarasota Swim Academy Cindy Klein with Chuck Coone of SCP.)


  • US Master’s Swimming $800. The Sarasota YMCA has provided professional adult learn-to-swim instructor training to its staff, and continue to offer free monthly lessons to adults. This program is year-round and uses the indoor teaching pool. (Pictured Below: Rich Tarricone, Aquatic Pool Systems, Aaron Taylor, Aquatics Director Sarasota Family YMCA, Rick Walker, YMCA Swim coach, John Ellsworth, Bluwater Pools and Chuck Coone, SCP.)


  • Gulf Coast Community Foundation Kids Swim Program $775. More than 300 second-graders from schools in Sarasota and Venice received free swimming lessons this spring thanks to the generosity of Gulf Coast donors Keith and Linda Monda. At a press conference, the Mondas were recognized for their gift, and a new fund was announced to extend the water-safety program to more Sarasota County elementary schools. The Kids SWIM (Safe Water Instruction Matters) Fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation will pay for transportation, aquatics instruction and facility use, and related costs for schools to participate in the water-safety lessons. Partners in the effort include the FSPA Manasota Chapter, Sarasota County Schools, Girls Inc. of Sarasota County, Sarasota Family YMCA, Venice Family YMCA, and Boys and Girls Clubs of Sarasota County. (Pictured Below: Manasota Chapter Board of Directors, Mr. Monda, YMCA staff, and Veronica Brady with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation)


June 18, 2015: World’s Largest Swimming Lesson

The Manasota chapter participated in the 6th Annual World’s Largest Swim Lesson (WLSL) at Arlington Pool and GT Bray Pool. These two locations provided a lesson for 60 children!

Love My Pool the FSPA blog

When making a major purchasing decision you shop around, ask friends, and family for referrals, and weigh your options. When it comes to investing in your home by building and maintaining a pool or spa, choose a company committed to superior quality, innovation, and customer service. Of all the home improvements you can make, the […]

Reading contracts is an important part of building a pool.  Be sure you understand what you are paying for and what you will get. So you are getting ready to build your backyard oasis and you couldn’t be more excited. What exactly does that all look like anyway? First, make sure you carefully review your […]

The following is from the Florida Swims Foundation’s Blog:   By Mike Madry, FSPA/The Florida Swims Foundation Staff.     Dr. John Doherty knows first-hand how dangerous the water can be if you can’t swim. At age 11 he witnessed it firsthand, rescuing a young boy from a crowded and lively community pool during the middle […]