swimming pool association

Natural pools

Eva Adcock
Best Pools of Brevard

The other day a potential customer called me and asked if I have constructed a natural pool. When I told her that I had never heard of it, she asked me to research it and if we were interested, we could “practice” on her. So onto the internet I went.

So what is a natural pool? A natural pool is a system consisted of a constructed body of water that has a separate zone which utilizes biological features for water purification. Although a natural pool does have a filtration system, to be “true” in nature, there would be no chemicals. Instead, the regeneration (separate) zone would have ecological plants which would provide the biological process for water clarification.

Typically, the swimming zone is separated from the regeneration zone. This actually serves two purposes. As mentioned earlier, the plants are taking the place of traditional chemicals we use in the pool industry. Secondly, the plants also provide aesthetically pleasing results as well. The natural pools I saw were spectacular!

I have never constructed a natural swimming pool but it would seem that the cost would be increased due to the regeneration zone that is required. Typically, the square footage of the regeneration zones can be an amount equal (or close) to the swimming zone. This may double the cost of construction. Additionally, a specialist may need to be contacted to procure and maintain the proper plants in the regeneration zone. Frogs, snakes, and other creatures have always been interested in our swimming pools. I wonder if this takes on an extra level of “interesting” with a natural pool?

In an era where we are concerned about environmental issues, it is exciting to explore the opportunity of providing an alternative pool to my customers. Not only can they be safe for swimming without harsh chemicals but they are scenic and beautiful works of art.

Below The Surface the Industry blog

By Brett Holland, Treasure Pools /  brett@treasurepoolsfl.com  It is 2018 and the demand for ozone is continuing to rise for residential swimming pools.  Consumers and industry professionals are both becoming more aware of the downsides of traditional sanitizers, such as salt chlorine generators, liquid chlorine and stand-alone tablet feeders.  Ozone was first discovered 170 years […]

The scholarship application for the 2018-2019 FSPA Scholarship Program is ready!  Dependents of owners or company employees (of 2+ years) are welcome to download the application.  All materials are due in the office by June 29.  Spread the word to any company staff with graduating high schoolers or college students.

A situation a Florida business ran into recently made us believe that a short article on this subject might be of value.  The US Department of Labor contacted this business as a result of a former employee complaint.  The individual was a pool service technician who was paid per pool serviced vs. by an hourly […]